WOW! I knew this would be a sporadic endeavor but honestly I wasn't expecting a two month gap between posts!
When you are living life a day at a time sometimes it seems hum drum and boring, but when you look at the overall last week or month you realize more has happened than what you see when you are focused on the here and now.
I am feeling an ocean of emotion if I may call it that. Much excitement, a lot of sadness, and more fear than I would like to admit to feeling. Excitement for the new chapter in my life and all the adventure and growing it is sure to bring, sadness because I am removing myself from all that is comfortable to me and the people that have been such an important part of the chapter that is closing. Lastly fear of a new home, new people, financial mountains, and a long trip across country - just me and God. I am excited about the trip and I am looking forward to the sights I will see and experiencing more of Gods amazing creation- but that's A LOT of miles and it looks like a lot solo driving. God is good all the time so I am trying to trust that He will take the wheel and pilot this trip.
So, what has been happening? Well, I have been working 36 hours a week. On the 24th of June I turned 26 so some celebrating in the midst of sorting and packing has been done :). The Young Folks girls came on Wednesday the 29th and we had a campfire and played games and they spent the night. Thursday we all went swimming. Kind of a going away/birthday party.
I am hoping to leave on the 20th spending some time in Quinter and with family scattered along the way as I head on East.
It looks huge in every sense... Please pray that I will trust the One who knows tomorrow before it gets here!
God bless you all!~